July 30, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Hi Everyone,

The weather is now in the middle 30's each day so we have not been going out to much at the weekend, sitting at home with the air con on just going out in the evening and on top of that I have caught a cold (in this weather). The mosquitos made a meal of me the other night so we have put the net up now around the bed it looks like one of them old fashioned four posters.I was woken up at about 2am today and for a moment I thought I was back at sea in the navy, the wind was howling through the open windows,curtains flapping wildly ornaments falling , heavy rain, thunder like the blitz and the apartment nearly lit up constantly by the lightning.It was like something out of an apocalyptic vision It was some thunderstorm, then at 7am when we got up it was back to blistering sunshine like it had never happened.Oh another thing we have every night is the frogs croaking and I mean really croaking they sound like them old football wooden rattles that the fans used to spin around haha.
I have had to turn work down recently they were offering me to much,I finished the editing of the manga book last week and that has gone to the printers and the english teaching is now 1 boy 2 hours a week one to one, also 1 girl the same then a class of 6 for 1.5 hours a week I am starting another young boy on 1 hour a day for 2 weeks before he sits an exam.I told the school I would see what I wanted to do when I get back at end of July,but i think i will be happy just doing some more one to ones . It was nice to be told by the school that the parents had told them that their children really liked my lessons (Or is that  just the school trying to get me to do more haha).
The head office of the Beijing customs is a huge new building in the city centre it has it's own hotel,restaraunt,bar I have been to visit it with Jun a couple of times and the last time Jun took me to see it's own state of the art olympic swimming pool and gym and told me how they got it.Apparently the head of the customs wanted to have it installed when the building was at the planning stage but feared there might be a backlash when people found out how the tax payers money was being spent so it was approved under the heading of fire prevention as a self sufficient fire system and back up.It must be the worlds biggest fire extinguisher haha.
We went for a meal last week with some of Juns friends from work and one of them called Lung works in the police department of the customs and we were talking about crime here compared to the west and how I felt there was a lot less in china and it seems a lot safer.He then told me that in 2008 when the olympics where here he and others where following a gang of drug dealers undercover (mainly nigerians),who when they realized they were being followed opened fire on them and he and the others returned fire he dishcharged his gun 4 times at them but was really happy he didn,t hit anyone and that was the first time it had got that serious for him and made him realize how things were changing here.


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